BrightStar investigations criminal defense service gets crucial results for its attorney’s. We investigate and conduct witness interviews to get felonies, misdemeanors and other crimes dismissed, we conduct surveillance to catch those lying at court.

Bottom line: we help attorneys win cases.


Law Firm Investigator Colorado Springsprivate investigator attorney services

Preparing for trial is a tedious task. For most law firms, it’s almost impossible to find extra time to track down physical evidence, interview witnesses, and serve legal documents while organizing your case.

If you need help finding information or collecting evidence on one of your cases, the Colorado Springs law firm investigators at BrightStar are here to help.

Physical Surveillance

Some litigation requires surveillance. One of the most powerful forms of evidence is video proof; unfortunately, collecting recorded evidence is extremely difficult. Thankfully, the law firm investigators at BrightStar Investigations has years of professional experience conducting video surveillance.

Our attorney private investigators get high definition video evidence to prove our client’s case. In certain cases, we go undercover and obtain covert surveillance. Our private detectives have caught some people in very big lies which always make for a great time testifying on rebuttal! If you need undeniable evidence, call us to start getting answers.

private detective

Witness Interviews

Another powerful form of evidence is witness interviews. Locating and interviewing witnesses to obtain critical statements requires a skilled private investigator who’s able to ask the right questions and document answers reliably. Most importantly, we’ve testified in both criminal and civil court.

You can’t be all places all the time. You need an attorney private investigator who is experienced at interviewing witnesses without tainting the information. Let BrightStar Investigations be your eyes and ears. We have experience interviewing important witnesses and will provide you with a dynamic professional written report that can help with your legal strategy.

Process Serving

Serving legal process is a mundane but necessary part of the legal process. However, it is not the best use of your time.

Call Colorado Springs’ trusted law firm investigators at (719)-578-3317 to discuss how BrightStar Investigations can get the answers you need

Matching our comprehensive investigations with our Internet investigations is a powerful combination. You want BrightStar Investigations on your side not theirs!