Stopping Teens Risky Behavior

Call Now to Speak to an Investigator

It’s a fact. Parenting teens is a challenge no matter what.

It can be difficult to know when their activity changes from normal teen rebellion to risky behavior that requires intervention. Teens are very good at hiding their activity from parents.

Let BrightStar Investigations be your eyes and ears.

Trust your instincts about your teen’s drug and alcohol use

Do you have a sinking feeling in your gut and suspect that your child may be doing drugs or drinking alcohol? Don’t ignore those feelings. You know your teen better than anyone else. We can help monitor their activity so you can know for sure if they have gone down the wrong path. That way when you confront your teen, you will have the real story and can call them on their behavior based on fact not conjecture.

Private Investigator Denver CO Internet SafetyTeens live online, know what they are doing

The Internet is the tool of choice for teens to engage in risky behavior. It is their main form of social recreation and communication. Plus, unchecked, teens have access to a whole underworld of inappropriate activity. Is your teen engaging in Internet porn on a webpage such as, or have they been targeted by an online predator? Do you suspect their safety has been compromised? BrightStar Investigations will remove the veil of secrecy from your teen’s online activity. We will help you stop the cycle and set your teen on the right path.

Teens want help

Often times teens know they are in trouble and want a way out. They just don’t know how to ask for help. BrightStar Investigations can be their way out. We provide Internet and social media monitoring, surveillance and Internet safety consultations.

Better yet, be proactive

Call BrightStar Investigations and have a proactive consultation. We provide expert consultation with parents and schools on how to be safe online BEFORE a problem exists!

Call BrightStar Investigations today and we can help you stop your teens risky behavior before it’s too late.